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Post by Jason »

Just got out of the hospital with another blood clot in the lung. They kept me overnight for two days to "monitor" me, but did nothing differently than I normally do for blood clot treatment.

Day 1: Ct scan, found clot, admitted to hospital. Upped dosage of blood thinner.
Day 2: Wait for doctor. Wait for doctor. Vitals good. Wait for doctor. Doctor comes. Recommends seeing lung specialist next day. Hospital forgets to give me daily dose of blood thinner. I mention it, they say I must have taken it, because it was logged into their system that I took it. I didn't.
Day 3: Wait for doctor. Blood thinner finally given. Lung specialist forgets to stop by. Doctor comes in, prescribed higher dosing of blood thinner, sends me home.

3 day waste of life, and an additional three months off of work. I may be forced to go the surgical route and have my heart opened up so they could put a catheter in to prevent clots from forming.

I am starting to realize that I am probably going to have a much shorter life. Despite an active lifestyle, a fairly healthy diet regimen and all the necessary precautions to prevent blood clots from forming, it is still beyond control. Death by 40 is not all that far fetched.
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Re: InCoMpEtEnCe!!!

Post by Headhunter »

Praying for the best for you man. You're a tough sumabitch.
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Re: InCoMpEtEnCe!!!

Post by Jason »

Thanks. I am still in great spirits. I'm not expecting to die soon or anything. If one thing has changed it's just that I'm now going to live my life with a present mind as opposed to major planning for the future. Some more frivolous spending. If I can get back to fucking work some day I'm gonna buy that Harley I've been eyeing straight away. :p

All is good. I am out of the hospital, finally. That was the big thing. The only thing that sucks at this point is exercising. I run 1/8th of a mile on the treadmill and I am winded like a mofo because of these clots in the lung. There are three apparently. I just want these fuckers to dissolve so I can feel normal when I exercise.
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Re: InCoMpEtEnCe!!!

Post by Reign in Blood »

Catheter in the heart? Fuck. Hopefully you don't have to go that route. Glad you are out of the hospital and can begin to get back to normalcy.
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Re: InCoMpEtEnCe!!!

Post by showa58taro »

Mate, that sucks. Hope you are ok in general. Annoying about not being able to go back to work.
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Re: InCoMpEtEnCe!!!

Post by zombie »

:( take care of yourself. live as much as you can, and don't let it beat you down. (as in your outlook and such) that is really rough.
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Re: InCoMpEtEnCe!!!

Post by Tiggnutz »

Lots can happen from now til than brother stay positive and strong
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Re: InCoMpEtEnCe!!!

Post by Monster »

Sucks. Take care, Jason.
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Re: InCoMpEtEnCe!!!

Post by DAEBO »

Jason wrote:Just got out of the hospital with another blood clot in the lung. They kept me overnight for two days to "monitor" me, but did nothing differently than I normally do for blood clot treatment.

Day 1: Ct scan, found clot, admitted to hospital. Upped dosage of blood thinner.
Day 2: Wait for doctor. Wait for doctor. Vitals good. Wait for doctor. Doctor comes. Recommends seeing lung specialist next day. Hospital forgets to give me daily dose of blood thinner. I mention it, they say I must have taken it, because it was logged into their system that I took it. I didn't.
Day 3: Wait for doctor. Blood thinner finally given. Lung specialist forgets to stop by. Doctor comes in, prescribed higher dosing of blood thinner, sends me home.

3 day waste of life, and an additional three months off of work. I may be forced to go the surgical route and have my heart opened up so they could put a catheter in to prevent clots from forming.

I am starting to realize that I am probably going to have a much shorter life. Despite an active lifestyle, a fairly healthy diet regimen and all the necessary precautions to prevent blood clots from forming, it is still beyond control. Death by 40 is not all that far fetched.
I hate hearing that, man.
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Re: InCoMpEtEnCe!!!

Post by Jason »

No worries, chum! My head is in a great place. It's the ripples in our lives that develop our character and personality. This is the moment to best improve yourself. The additional "three more months off of work" thing is really the most bothering, at this point. Think of it as a video game you spent hours playing every day for almost three months straight. You're only a few sessions away from finally getting to the end and your game freezes and loses the memory of the game.

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